Tuesday, 12 June 2012

whyyesplus - Anusha Ayyar

Anusha Ayyar, 22,
B.Tech in Biomedical Engg
Padmashree Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute
of Biotech & Bioinfomatics
I did my YES!+ in February 2011 and at the time i was doing my 8th semester mandatory six months internship with the Healthcare Division of Siemens Ltd.,Worli.

Prior to the workshop, due to my hectic schedule at the site, i used to get tired a lot even before end of the day. I wished to do many things, pursue my hobbies but was unable to give my 100% due to lack of energy & lethargy.

But post workshop, I was amazed at how in just 5 days, 4 hours in the evening and subsequent regular practice of the simple yet profound techniques taught here, I was able to use the same time in a much more systematic and playful way.

Suddenly I was energetic throughout the day and could give my best in grasping and understanding all that my engineers taught me. At the same time i started pursuing my hobbies while giving quality time to my family and friends. It turned out to be the best 6 months of learning and fun in my whole engineering career.

Another important addition to my life was the confidence i gained to talk to people, in delivering my presentations in the college. This propelled me from being an average student who got 70-75% in previous semesters to score 90% in my final semester. I cleared my degree in First class with a Distinction.

Before I was a very short tempered person who use to hold on to the her past very tightly. But with the regular practice of meditations and Sudarshan Kriya along with the support of my teachers and friends now i am lot more controlled.

Its not that I don’t have bad times in life but now I have got a solution to deal with them. I do not see problems as problems anymore but as adventures.

Now I live a totally Happy, Stress-Free Life filled with Love, Laughter and Contentment :D

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