Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Whyyesplus - Seema Wadhwa

Seema Wadhwa, 23, Mumbai
MA in Literature
Front Desk Communication Exec
I did my YES!+ Workshop with two most amazing people in the world, my YES!+ teachers, Bawa and Dinesh Dada. Seeing them I actually wondered how can one smile 24X7, Whole Day!!??

Before doing YES!+ I felt I lived in my own small world of just my own people and my problems. I believed there was nothing beyond this in life. I was a below average student, introvert & shy, afraid to speak my mind and consequently would not interact much with anyone.

7 days of YES!+ workshop turned out to be all that was required to bring about all the transformation which until now was only a figment of my imagination.

Earlier, I had attended some personality development classes for a week but I could not sense even an inch of change in me while on the contrary, YES!+ with its practical and easy to do techniques has brought me closer to reality.

Post workshop my parents, my professors and school teachers were so shocked to see a completely different Seema. With depression and suicidal thoughts not bothering me anymore, life as I had known completely changed. The colossal transformation in my life even amazed me.

I love my parents but the communication with them had collapsed to such a low point that bitter & nasty fights, an everyday affair then, would cause emotional turmoil in me and my mom leaving us in tears. I was desperately searching for a way to end this and finally it was the knowledge and wisdom imparted on the workshop that provided me the solution as to how I could get out of it.

I don’t know the count of the benefits I have had. A revolution of my performance during graduation, from scrapping through with 45% to Topping my college or the confidence to talk to people esp. strangers or the miracle of my medical problem, which needed an operation costing lacs, just getting healed on its own; all thanks to a powerful and profound breathing technique called SUDARSHAN KRIYA. This was a time when all I dreamt was beginning to come true!!

Today, I express my care, concern and love more openly to my parents and with time this expression has spread to every person I meet. YES!+ provides me with the platform to interact with new people, meditate, serve and bring a smile on each and everyone's face. H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar always says and even I have come to realize, our so called problems are very small when the focus is on a higher purpose and Self-Confidence is a habit.

Everyday is now a adventure to explore the Unexplored ME!!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

whyyesplus - Barkha Prithiani

Barkha Prithiani, 21,
BMS Graduate &
Aspiring MBA Student
I regard doing the YES!+ workshop in July of 2009 as one of the wisest decision that I have ever taken in my life.

My best friend, Madhura Vinchurkar, introduced me to the workshop. She inspired me to go for it by sharing its various benefits such as techniques to develop good consistent concentration, confidence building and this special skill where I could be relaxed & focussed at the same time which I found to be very useful during the tension filled exam days.

To tell you guys a fact, I never really thought that I needed any such kind of workshop at all to enhance my concentration or confidence. I was good in my academics & was equally confident enough to give presentations during my graduation.

Although there was this One Thing in which I was unsure, that one thing I was unable to come up with an answer for and that was “What I Want To Do In My Life??”

I was beginning to realize being academically excellent and making a choice that I have to live with for rest of my life was not at all connected!! The jitters of taking the right decision coupled with all round expectations made it even harder.

Then through the YES!+ workshop followed by volunteering for the Art of Living events I began realizing there is more to me than I myself had known. My True Potential started unfolding before me and suddenly all the questions that made me sweat started disappearing. I began realizing I could go for whatever I wished for and still fulfil all the expectations!!

Secondly, on a personal level, I was unable to share anything with my Mom & Dad. There was always this gap (which I thought was generation gap but I was wrong), a wall which never allowed me to open up and talk freely to them. But within no time this wall came down during those 7 evenings (on the workshop) & today I share with them even the smallest & silliest of things happening with me. This free, unconditional sharing has brought me closer to my family & my own self.

I'm much more creative and spontaneous in my work. The regular practice of simple yet powerful techniques taught on the workshop have made me so strong that I believe whatever challenges that may stand in front of me, I can handle them Peacefully & Happily. Interestingly, I have noticed this skill to balance between making new friends & preserving old friendships develop spontaneously in me and managing both these worlds isn’t a tough job for me now.

Lastly, I must say that I found the inspiration to volunteer for the YES!+ Workshops within me and just want to share the most beautiful gift that I have received in My Life with the entire world!! My dear friends, wherever you are and whatever you do, just do this workshop without giving any second thoughts!! Cheers!! :)

Friday, 15 June 2012

whyyesplus - Sandeep Indap

Sandeep Indap, 25,
Relationship Manager
BMA Wealth Creators Ltd
I did My YES!+ Workshop on 6th July 2006 and to tell you the truth I had lots of doubts and questions as to how the workshop is going to benefit me.

I had done many skill workshops, personality seminars etc and all promised but none delivered. The one common thing in all these was, after sometime they became only a memory, the literature they provided was sold off in raddi and I was back to square one.

But here in the YES!+ Workshop after first day itself I was quite sure that this is the what I am looking for.

I still remember those 7 days of my life and I feel very Lucky to have done the workshop with Bawa and Dinesh Da (The ones who designed the workshop with guidance from H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and have cumulative 35+ years of experience in teaching Art of Living Courses!!)

I remember before the workshop, I use to be low on confidence, my bonding with my friends was weak even plain superficial and communication was not up to the level I wanted.

After Doing the workshop, I started practicing the techniques, which by the way are very practical, easy and very much in tune to address today's lifestyle issues. Giving only as less as 30 mins a day, my confidence levels boosted and bonding with my friends has undergone a Big Difference :)

Within no time my Communication and Confidence improved so much that i started volunteering for YES!+ Workshops and now I can talk to absolute strangers with ease.

I will have only one regret in life that, I should have got this chance before. But I am Happy that I got it and now after 6 years I realize how important the workshop has been in shaping my life. Now I live my life as  "I Want To" and Not as "I Have To"!!

If You are still thinking whether to do the workshop, remember the tagline of Nike - "Just Do It" :)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

whyyesplus - Mayuri Roy

Mayuri Roy, 23,
Associate Software Engg
Patni Computer Systems Ltd
YES!+ is a wonderful page in my life which transformed me completely.

I used to hold lot of negative thoughts and self doubt and these two combined, hindered my progress both professionally and personally.

I have had a rough time in my office since my relations with my boss are very volatile. I was unable to take the criticism thrown at me and often retreated into my shell instead of owning up to them.

I avoided going out and socializing even though I love to meet new people simply because I lacked confidence and was scared of making a fool out of myself.

The YES!+ workshop has helped me get through all of these, esp in managing my relation with my parents and boss.

Most importantly with regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya I have been able to weed out all the self doubts and just express myself . 

The techniques I practice are awesome stress busters and I feel calm & composed, am in better control over my anger and have more say over my emotions. Now I don't feel as though I am run by my emotions rather I am in charge of them :) 

I would like to express my gratitude to Pratima di who suggested this workshop to me

Apart from these, YES!+ has provided me with a wonderful platform to socialize, meet new people from varying fields and interests and a launch pad from where I am able to do some amazing hardcore social work. 

Cheeersss!!! I would recommend all youths to join the YES!+ and feel the difference for themselves.

whyyesplus - Anusha Ayyar

Anusha Ayyar, 22,
B.Tech in Biomedical Engg
Padmashree Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute
of Biotech & Bioinfomatics
I did my YES!+ in February 2011 and at the time i was doing my 8th semester mandatory six months internship with the Healthcare Division of Siemens Ltd.,Worli.

Prior to the workshop, due to my hectic schedule at the site, i used to get tired a lot even before end of the day. I wished to do many things, pursue my hobbies but was unable to give my 100% due to lack of energy & lethargy.

But post workshop, I was amazed at how in just 5 days, 4 hours in the evening and subsequent regular practice of the simple yet profound techniques taught here, I was able to use the same time in a much more systematic and playful way.

Suddenly I was energetic throughout the day and could give my best in grasping and understanding all that my engineers taught me. At the same time i started pursuing my hobbies while giving quality time to my family and friends. It turned out to be the best 6 months of learning and fun in my whole engineering career.

Another important addition to my life was the confidence i gained to talk to people, in delivering my presentations in the college. This propelled me from being an average student who got 70-75% in previous semesters to score 90% in my final semester. I cleared my degree in First class with a Distinction.

Before I was a very short tempered person who use to hold on to the her past very tightly. But with the regular practice of meditations and Sudarshan Kriya along with the support of my teachers and friends now i am lot more controlled.

Its not that I don’t have bad times in life but now I have got a solution to deal with them. I do not see problems as problems anymore but as adventures.

Now I live a totally Happy, Stress-Free Life filled with Love, Laughter and Contentment :D

whyyesplus - Karishma Ashok

Karishma Ashok, 18,
Aspiring Medical
For me the YES!+ Workshop was a really memorable one. I found the workshop to be an interesting blend of Knowledge & Fun.

The simple & effective techniques taught on the workshop helped me a lot with my studies & also with my day-to-day life.

I have been benefited with an increase in concentration span and importantly i have also learnt to deal with my anger and stress.

I feel my personality has enhanced and with my anger under check life is merrier :)

All thanks to YES!+ & to my teachers, Dhara Di and Pratibha Di, for inspiring me to join the workshop. Had I not listened and kept doubting, i would have surely regretted on missing out on one of the most wonderful experience of my life :D

Thursday, 17 May 2012

whyyesplus - Rucha Pathari

Rucha Pathari, 22, Computer Sc,
Lecturer, ARMIET Eng Coll
The word "Relationship" brings to our mind only the relationship with our partner.

We basically concentrate on improving relationship with our partner, friends, colleague, college mates but in this whole thing, we, especially youngsters, forget to improve and maintain relationship with the most important people on this planet, because of whom we are here. "PARENTS".

The Main Benefit I have got from this workshop is it helped me bridge the gap between me and my parents, especially with my father with whom I was very scared even to talk!! 

And now after YES!+  I can discuss the silliest of things from, on whom I have a crush till what all are the issues going on in my office, very easily.

All this transformation in the most important relationship of my life is only because of this YES!+ Workshop.

whyyesplus - Anagha Lokhande

Anagha Lokhande, 18,
Law Student,
Government Law College.
I did my YES Course (Art of Living's course for teenagers in the age group of 14-18 years) three years ago while i completed my YES!+ only a year ago.

Its only now that i am realizing the difference between life I lived, life I want to live and the life I am living now :D

Before YES!+ came along i was living in ignorance, pool of negativity and was filled with anger. I held on to my past tightly and was anxious about my future.

Then YES!+ breathed life into me. Life after YES!+ is Magical, Blissful, Divine, and Insanely Beautiful.

Its only after you try it... You will endorse it :)

P.S. I even lost 5 kgs while doing the workshop.. Thanks to all the awesome games, exercises and Suryanamskars (Sun Salutations)!! :D

whyyesplus - Amey Prabhu

Amey Prabhu, 27,
MBA in International Business
Marketing & Admin Officer,
Yashwant Maternity Hospital
YES!+ Volunteer
I did my first YES!+ in Jan 2009 and it has been the Turning Point in my life. Firstly, even though i had a MBA degree in International Business, I hadn't focused on any soft skills other than communication and having known this deficiency i had self confidence issues because of which i did not apply anywhere for a job.

Secondly, I was overweight by 50 kgs and was on verge of diabetes and suffered cholesterol and weight related problems at the age of 24!! This was mainly due to poor lifestyle choices such as pure non-vegetarian food, aerated drinks, computer gaming for14 hours a day and late night sleeping to which i was completely addicted.

My relationship with my parents was completely strained and all channels of communication had broken down. They knew i needed help but could not talk to me. I was sent to many a psychiatrists who gave different opinions which only made matters worse. The medicines which i consumed as part of "Getting Better" just made me put on more weight and gave a sense of being dependent on them to feel "Normal".

My concentration span was not more than two minutes, i was lazy as hell, filled with self doubts and depression.

Then the YES!+ Workshop, Sudarshan Kriya,  My Teachers along with the close friendships and support i got here helped me in letting out all the emotional stress built-up within me over the years. By inspiring me to volunteer for the YES!+ events and attend advanced courses, they brought out  the hidden potential in me and actively guided me to develop and polish all the corporate and soft skills which were already present in me.

Over last 3 years i have now lost more than 30 kgs. By regularly practicing the techniques taught on the workshop all my addictions and psychiatric medicines have dropped. My health has improved leaps and bounds and all my allergies have disappeared. The self doubts have melted away and i have found my lost smile again :)

In 2010 i got a job as an Asst. Systems Officer in an insurance broking firm (even though it is Not my domain nor did i have any knowledge or expertise for the job but now i had the confidence to do it) and 20 months later, presently, i am working with my mother in managing and marketing our hospital. My parents have regained their confidence in me and support me in all my decisions.

Life is filled with Smile, Love, Contentment and Happiness. THANK YOU YES!+

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

What Sri Sri said today - Wisdom is the best shock absorber

April 10, 2012
MahaSatsang at Taiwan

H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
We all came to this planet as babies. We all carried smiles, joy and a sense of belongingness with everybody. Isn't that so? But as we grew older somewhere we lost that smile, we lost that friendliness and we lost that love for everyone.

What happened? This is what we need to enquire.

Can we become like a child again from inside?

We usually use coconut as an example of how life should be. A coconut has a husk around it, and when it falls from a high level it doesn't break. It has a shock absorber or cushion. So if our behavior is friendly, wise, and if we live a life where we are free from stress, it acts like a shock absorber. Wisdom is the best shock absorber. Our body should be like the coconut shell – strong, and our mind like the kernel inside – white and soft. And our feelings like the water deep inside – sweet. If it is the other way around then it is a problem. If the body is soft and weak, mind is harsh like a shell and there are no feelings, they are all dried up then life becomes a burden. And that is the reason why so many people commit suicide and people get depressed. Isn't it?

So we need to bring this change in ourselves, in the society and in our families, where we hold on to the values.

This afternoon when I was talking to the press they were telling me that Taiwan is losing its traditional values. I said they should hold on to their roots. Taiwan has a very long history of values and these values should be nurtured and preserved. Especially family values are very important. Personal integrity is very important. Don't you think so?

These cultural values need to be strengthened, at the same time dynamic progress, which Taiwan is anyways doing. Taiwan is very dynamic. And I also say that Taiwan has the most enthusiastic volunteers. In all our international programs, there is a group from Taiwan which is all the time full of energy and enthusiasm. And when the people of Taiwan go anywhere in the world, they always carry gifts. Everyone caries some gift. This joy in sharing is very precious and is original to this culture. We need to maintain the values which are very good and very great to each culture. We can only do all that when we are free from stress and our mind is at peace.

When Lord Buddha was in India, he traveled for forty years. He simply said, let us keep the philosophy on one side and understand one thing – there is sorrow, and there is a way to get rid of sorrow. It is possible to get rid of sorrow and become free from inside.

This message is universal, and this message is what we need today. We need to create a society free from stress and violence, and the way for it is through meditation.

Many times when we sit for meditation, the mind goes all over the place. That is where Sudarshan Kriya, which is a breathing technique, and yoga, both of these help the mind to calm down and become serene.

When your mind is serene and settled, and when you don't want anything for yourself, you gain this amazing power to bless others. When your mind is hollow and empty and when someone wants something and you bless them, it will happen. We have made a blessing course; once you attend this course for 4 to 5 days then you can start blessing people.

I spoke to one of the leading scientists in the world and do you know what this man said? He said, ‘I studied matter for 30 years only to find out it doesn't exist.’

He is a quantum physicist, and he says that these days whenever he gives talks, people ask him if he is teaching Buddhism or something like that?

He said, ‘These days when I give my lectures, people feel I am talking about Buddhism or Vedanta.’ Vedanta and Buddhism talk about the same thing; both talk about that inner consciousness, only in a slightly different way. The emptiness in Buddhism is the fullness in Vedanta. That is all.

So matter and everything is vibrations, and these vibrations keep changing, and it can change our life. It can change or bring what we desire or what we want for us. So when your mind is in the space of total fulfilment, you can bring fulfillment to others.

So today I want you to drop all your worries and problems here. I have come to collect all your worries. All that I want from you is for you to be happy.

Every day, for ten minutes meditate and become hollow and empty. Personal development is very important for everyone.

See, whatever and wherever we are, we should be able to do some service to society. Share our life with everyone. And whenever you have any difficulty or trouble don't think you are alone. You are not alone. Okay! You will be able to pass through any tough times that come with a smile. Yes! We need to make our spirit, mind and body strong and our bonding with people around us healthy and strong. This is what is The Art of living. Violence free society, disease free body, confusion free mind, inhibition free intellect, trauma free memory and sorry free soul. I feel this is the birth right of everybody.

So today, give me all your problems and go back with a smile.

Taiwan is a small country with a strong economy. If all of us here put a little effort we can make Taiwan strong in happiness as well.

We can think of a Taiwan free of crime; no violence, no unhappiness, no suicide. I want to see such a Taiwan. This is my dream for Taiwan. If we can achieve something like this in the next two years, it will be a very ideal situation in Taiwan, and this could become an example for all other nations to follow.

Do you know, the happiest country in the world is Bhutan. It is a Buddhist country and people are very simple there. Everybody believes in non-violence and in happiness. Bhutan is number one in happiness. Recently, couple of days ago, there was a seminar at the United Nation on happiness. It is not enough to have a high GDP but you also need to have a high GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness).

In fact, I was supposed to attend this program at the United Nation. The Prime Minister of Bhutan had invited me, but since I was committed to come here to South East Asia, to Singapore, Bali and then Taiwan, I said I cannot cancel my travel but I am taking the same message to all these countries.

So now today I am thinking we should have a dream, all of us collectively think, in the next two years, how we can all reach out to people and teach them how to get rid of stress and be happy. In schools, in colleges, at homes, we can have only celebrations.

See life from a broader perspective. 80 years of life we are living, is it worth being stressed, unhappy? In this short span of life, we should spend our time being happy and making others happy. Don't you think so? Let us all today have this dream.

So there are two things, a bigger dream for the country or the world. Another is your individual needs or desires that you have. Both can be fulfilled. You focus on a bigger dream and leave the small dream to me. Okay!

So today, since we meditated together, we are entitled to ask for one wish. Tonight, before going to bed you can think of that one wish. Think about the wish, let go and then sleep well.

Now, everyday take out some time and meditate, and commit yourself to do some service. At least four hours of service a month.

We have a big vision to create a stress free and violence free Taiwan. So we can go around in groups of 15 to 20 people and inspire people to be happy. We will create a wave of happiness in Taiwan.

Q: Today since I dropped my botheration in the basket, tomorrow when I wake up, will it disappear?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You have dropped the botheration in the basket, now don't carry it in your mind. I can't tell you how long it will take, may be today or tomorrow or in 10 days or 12 months, but definitely the botheration will be over.

Q: How can I become like you?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you were a child you were like me. I am a baby who refuses to grow up. Inside you there is still a child, just recognize it. Become hollow and empty.