Thursday, 17 May 2012

whyyesplus - Rucha Pathari

Rucha Pathari, 22, Computer Sc,
Lecturer, ARMIET Eng Coll
The word "Relationship" brings to our mind only the relationship with our partner.

We basically concentrate on improving relationship with our partner, friends, colleague, college mates but in this whole thing, we, especially youngsters, forget to improve and maintain relationship with the most important people on this planet, because of whom we are here. "PARENTS".

The Main Benefit I have got from this workshop is it helped me bridge the gap between me and my parents, especially with my father with whom I was very scared even to talk!! 

And now after YES!+  I can discuss the silliest of things from, on whom I have a crush till what all are the issues going on in my office, very easily.

All this transformation in the most important relationship of my life is only because of this YES!+ Workshop.

whyyesplus - Anagha Lokhande

Anagha Lokhande, 18,
Law Student,
Government Law College.
I did my YES Course (Art of Living's course for teenagers in the age group of 14-18 years) three years ago while i completed my YES!+ only a year ago.

Its only now that i am realizing the difference between life I lived, life I want to live and the life I am living now :D

Before YES!+ came along i was living in ignorance, pool of negativity and was filled with anger. I held on to my past tightly and was anxious about my future.

Then YES!+ breathed life into me. Life after YES!+ is Magical, Blissful, Divine, and Insanely Beautiful.

Its only after you try it... You will endorse it :)

P.S. I even lost 5 kgs while doing the workshop.. Thanks to all the awesome games, exercises and Suryanamskars (Sun Salutations)!! :D

whyyesplus - Amey Prabhu

Amey Prabhu, 27,
MBA in International Business
Marketing & Admin Officer,
Yashwant Maternity Hospital
YES!+ Volunteer
I did my first YES!+ in Jan 2009 and it has been the Turning Point in my life. Firstly, even though i had a MBA degree in International Business, I hadn't focused on any soft skills other than communication and having known this deficiency i had self confidence issues because of which i did not apply anywhere for a job.

Secondly, I was overweight by 50 kgs and was on verge of diabetes and suffered cholesterol and weight related problems at the age of 24!! This was mainly due to poor lifestyle choices such as pure non-vegetarian food, aerated drinks, computer gaming for14 hours a day and late night sleeping to which i was completely addicted.

My relationship with my parents was completely strained and all channels of communication had broken down. They knew i needed help but could not talk to me. I was sent to many a psychiatrists who gave different opinions which only made matters worse. The medicines which i consumed as part of "Getting Better" just made me put on more weight and gave a sense of being dependent on them to feel "Normal".

My concentration span was not more than two minutes, i was lazy as hell, filled with self doubts and depression.

Then the YES!+ Workshop, Sudarshan Kriya,  My Teachers along with the close friendships and support i got here helped me in letting out all the emotional stress built-up within me over the years. By inspiring me to volunteer for the YES!+ events and attend advanced courses, they brought out  the hidden potential in me and actively guided me to develop and polish all the corporate and soft skills which were already present in me.

Over last 3 years i have now lost more than 30 kgs. By regularly practicing the techniques taught on the workshop all my addictions and psychiatric medicines have dropped. My health has improved leaps and bounds and all my allergies have disappeared. The self doubts have melted away and i have found my lost smile again :)

In 2010 i got a job as an Asst. Systems Officer in an insurance broking firm (even though it is Not my domain nor did i have any knowledge or expertise for the job but now i had the confidence to do it) and 20 months later, presently, i am working with my mother in managing and marketing our hospital. My parents have regained their confidence in me and support me in all my decisions.

Life is filled with Smile, Love, Contentment and Happiness. THANK YOU YES!+